R-CON was founded in 1988 and today is a leading fire protection company, which focuses on the design, manufacture and sales of sprinkler pumps with related water cisterns – systems that provide effective protection of property and materials and save lives.


R-CON in Lagercrantz Group

Lagercrantz acquired R-CON in 2017 and since then several important business development projects have been implemented together with the previous owners, with the goal of becoming a leading sprinkler pump and cistern supplier in the Nordic countries. The company has increased its sales in both Denmark and Norway and has great opportunities for continued growth in these markets. Since the acquisition, revenue in the Nordic countries has gone from MSEK 110 to MSEK 225. R-CON aims to be a complete supplier for its customers and in recent years several new concepts and solutions have been developed. Standpipe pumps, flow meters and other complementary products in pump houses as well as a concept for remote reading and testing at a distance are examples of solutions that have broadened the market offering.

Through the supplementary acquisition of Alf Bjurenwall AB in 2018, cisterns for water storage are also included in the range. Today it is an increasingly important component in fire protection as municipalities have become more restrictive about connecting sprinkler systems to the municipal water system. R-CON has also developed its service business in order to ensure the reliability of pumping facilities. In early 2021, the business moved to a completely new property, which has given the company good potential for expansion.

“Lagercrantz has helped R-CON to smoothly develop the company’s structure which is necessary to succeed as a slightly larger company. Experience from other subsidiaries has also been a great help here and we are now pursuing several parallel development projects.” Mikael Wiktorsson, MD

Published: September 2022