Lagercrantz Group
For Lagercrantz, sustainability and a long-term approach are crucial for our operations. A sustainability focus creates growth opportunities and competitiveness both when we can help our customers to become more sustainable and when we reduce the environmental impact of our own operations. We also see that a clear sustainability ambition motivates both our current and future employees.
This shall be reflected in our sustainability work, where we strive to ensure that all our subsidiaries act as good and responsible companies, which provide a societal benefit.
Much of our sustainability work is conducted in the subsidiaries, close to employees, customers, suppliers and the local communities where we operate. The Group’s role is to inspire, impose requirements and follow up to ensure that our subsidiaries develop a sustainable enterprise. Our values of simplicity and efficiency, accountability and freedom, businessmanship and willingness to change are important parts of this.
Goals are set for the sustainability work, and they are managed and followed up through active board work in each company. Our employees are trained in our Code of Conduct and our ambition is that all our business partners and suppliers shall comply with it over time. Misconduct can be signalled anonymously via our Whistleblower function.
Each company has specific operational goals for its sustainability work. These ambitions concern partly the company’s own business, for example with targets regarding energy consumption, waste management and replacement of chemicals, and partly the core business itself, where the subsidiaries’ products and services in one way or another often contribute to an improved environment and to long-term sustainability for their customers. Find out more under each company.
"At Group level, our main role is to inspire, impose requirements and follow up that the subsidiaries are sustainable and responsible companies. The real impact occurs in our businesses with concrete sustainability initiatives, which really make a difference for our business partners, employees and society."
Jörgen Wigh,
President and CEO