Business concept, vision and goals

Lagercrantz' business concept is to offer value-creating technical products and solutions within expansive niches to corporate customers.


Lagercrantz' vision is to be a leader within value-creating technology with market-leading positions in several expansive niches.

Leading means good growth and profitability as well as creating a favourable development for the benefit og customers and business partners.

Value-creation means adding value to the goods and services offered by taking advantage of all our accumulated experiences and technical and industrial knowledge. Customers are offered competitive solutions with new combinations, new technology, new design and customisation, as well as service, support and services.

market-leading position means being number one or two in a defined sub-market – a niche.


Lagercrantz' financial goals are:

  • Earnings growth of 15 percent per year.

  • Return on equity of not less than 25 percent.

Growth is measured over a business cycle as profit after finance items. The return on equity goal is converted internally to return on working capital of no less than 45 percent per business concept and profit centre. Lagercrantz aims to confirm its position as a profitable and growing Company by developing its existing operations and acquiring additional companies with strong market positions in expansive niches.