
Remuneration Committee

The Board of Directors has internally appointed a Remuneration Committee tasked with preparing the Board’s proposal to the Annual General Meeting regarding guidelines for remuneration to the President and CEO, and other senior executives.

The Committee also has the task of following up and implementing the AGM’s resolutions with respect to principles of remuneration for senior executives. During 2023/24, the Remuneration Committee consisted of Chairman of the Board Fredrik Börjesson and Ulf Södergren. The President & CEO presents reports but does not participate in matters concerning him. The Committee held one meeting during the year. All members of the Committee were present at this meeting.

Compensation of SEK 100,000 is paid as fees to members of the Remuneration Committee.

Audit Committee

The Board has appointed an Audit Committee, which has the duty of analysing and discussing the company’s risk management, governance and internal control. During 2023/24, the Committee consisted of all Board members with the exception of the President & CEO. In the opinion of the Board of Directors, this is most appropriate in view of Lagercrantz Group’s size and business. The Audit Committee maintains contact with the company’s auditors to discuss the orientation and scope of the audit work.

In connection with the adoption of the annual accounts, the company’s auditors report on their observations from their audit and their assessment of the internal control. Because of the structure with an annual self-assessment of the internal control,  which is performed by each company during the third quarter and whose results are reveived by the company’s auditors, and the extensive work that a traditional examination by the company’s auditors would entail, the Board of Directors has chosen to deviate from the Code’s recommendation calling for a review of the half-yearly report or the interim report for the third quarter.