Election Committee

The Election Committee makes proposals in such a way that the Annual General Meeting can pass resolutions.

The 2024 Annual General Meeting resolved to give the Chairman of the Board of Directors the assignment of contacting the four largest shareholders by voting power as of 31 December 2024 and request them to appoint members, who would constitute the Election Commiittee.


Proposal for the AGM

The principal task of the Election Committee is to make proposals for directors, chairman and auditors, and to make proposals for the fees to be paid in such a way that the Annual General Meeting can pass a well-founded resolution. The Election Committee has access to the evaluation made by the Board of Directors of its work. The proposal of the Election Committee is published in connection with the notice for the Annual General Meeting and is also made available at the Company’s website. The mandate period of the Election Committee lasts until a new Election Committee has been appointed. No fees are payable for Election Committee work.

Shareholders' influence

Proposal to the Election Committee can be submitted by e-mail to: [email protected] or by mail to the company under address:

Election Committee

Lagercrantz Group AB
Box 3508
SE-103 69 Stockholm


The Election Committee remains until the new is appointed and consists of

  • Fredrik Börjesson (Chairman of the Board)
  • Malin Nordesjö (appointed by Tisenhult-.gruppen)
  • Leif Almhorn (appointed by SEB Investment Funds)
  • Caroline Sjösten (appointed by Swedbank Robur Funds)
  • Per Trygg (appointed by Lannebo Funds)